Moving is stressful takes a lot of time to move. So often, people want to move quickly and skip things that don’t seem necessary, like moving box labels. Even though that might seem like a good idea, it can cause problems when you move. It is essential to label your boxes, so you don’t create chaos, lose your favorite items and can save time in the long run. They are vital whether you move yourself or hire a moving company. You should remember how important it is to label moving boxes as you prepare to move. Then comes the part where you learn how to do it correctly. Let’s start to mark these off.
How Important Are Moving Box Labels?
You might wonder why putting labels on moving boxes is so important. But things are not as easy as you think they are. Read on to learn more.
Handling Boxes Right
If you don’t know what’s in a box, it’s hard to know how to handle it properly. Even if you wrap and pack breakables well with the help of packaging tubes, they can still break if you don’t handle the box right. Your most important things won’t get lost or broken if you know which boxes they are in. We suggest you mark the fragile boxes’ shipping box labels with the word “FRAGILE” or “HANDLE WITH CARE.” This will let the movers know they need to be extra careful with them. This way, you won’t have to worry about replacing or fixing your valuable things.
Boxes Segregated by Rooms
Once you’ve packed your boxes and sealed them with movers tape, you will move them to your new home. It will be helpful to know what’s in each box so you can put them in suitable rooms. If you know where each box goes, you can start unpacking the rooms that need to be ready to use right away. You’ll be able to find everything you need for the first few days after moving until you’ve unpacked everything. Envision not knowing where the things you need right away are in the boxes. You’ll have to start opening each box to find what you’re looking for.
Even though a room moving box label is beneficial when moving, it can be even more helpful to know what is in each box. Now, you can put anything in your bedroom box, from lamps to beds. Imagine setting up your bed and opening different boxes to find things that aren’t as important to you. For example, there will be so much chaos in finding the mattress from the boxes until you get to your bed that you won’t be able to relax enough to sleep on it. So, putting things into more categories based on their importance will help you open the most important boxes first, so you can wait until the weekend to open the rest. This will be very helpful in various situations, say, mattress box moving.
Time savers
But if you don’t add shipping box labels and pack everything in no particular order, you’ll run all over your house trying to put things back where they belong as you unpack them. If you skip this step, you’ll just make unpacking take longer than it needs to.
Moving Box Labels – The Best Suggestions
Make a List of What you Have Packed
Making a home inventory list will help you organize your things and keep you on track when packing. When making an inventory list, you should always start with one room at a time. Write down specifics on your list, and always take pictures of things that are very valuable. Having an accurate inventory list will also help you file an insurance claim if anything gets broken during or after the move.
Label All of the Box’s Sides
When your things get to your new home, the professional movers you hire will want to know where to put them without having to turn each box over and over to find a moving box label because they will be tired of the weightlifting too. So, put a label on each side of the box.
Use Different Colors to Label the Boxes
One creative way to label your boxes is using different colors to mark them. Make sure you write down the color codes somewhere. Working on a code without knowing what it means would be hard. Yes, you do want to stay out of that. Also, give this code to the moving company helping you. Your movers will also find it easier to put things in the correct rooms if they are color coded. Just be careful when you choose the colors. They should be bright and easy to see from all sides.
Use the Label “this Way up”
Just draw arrows pointing up to show which side is the top of the box so that you or your professional packers and movers don’t flip it over accidentally. This side-up labels are common moving box labels used to keep boxes facing the right way. If a container has liquids or things that might fall over if it’s on the wrong side, it may need to be carried with the correct side up. Just packing such stuff in packaging tubes will not be enough.
Label your Boxes With the Room
This is something we’ve talked about in the previous section. The most common way to label your boxes is by room, but it’s not the best. Only writing the room to which each box belongs isn’t enough information for you if you need to open every box later, but it’s enough for your movers.
Label Boxes That are Important
It would be best if you considered separating things you will need right away from things you won’t need for a couple of weeks. Then, before you close the box, look at what’s in it and write down each box’s importance. Next, add appropriate shipping box labels. Mark them as high, medium, or low on your priority list. This will help you get things out of the boxes. Then, you can easily choose which box to open first and what can stay inside the box for a longer time.
Now that you know how to use moving box labels and why you should, it’s time to get to work. Labeling boxes is an easy task, and if you do it the right way, it can have a lot of benefits and give you impressive results. If you follow our tips, it will be easy to pack, move, and unpack.